Animed Veterinary Clinic Brno

Animed Veterinary Clinic Brno

We know, what your furry loves mean to you!

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Veterinary oncology

Veterinary oncology

We are specialized clinic for oncological treatment of dogs and cats.

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Our services

We know that your pet is not just a pet, but a member of your family. We belive that you will be satisfied both with our attitude and the ambience. 

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Our team

Your pets are treated by a team of experienced veterinarians and assistants.

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General services and pricelist

General services and pricelist
Complex services for dogs and cats.
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For oncology patients

For oncology patients
Complete diagnostics, consultation,
chemotherapy, radiotherapy mediation.
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Veterinary oncology


We are committed to helping animals with cancer, compassionately and unselfishly. We strive to give them hope and optimism,
supported by our professional knowledge. 


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Our goals

Our purpose is to support and protect the health and well-being of all animals entrusted to our care, honoring their right to live without discomfort, pain or disease assuring that we meet each animal’s unique behavioral, emotional and physical needs. We celebrate the human-animal bond which is at the heart of our connection with our patients and clients.

  • We offer comprehensive services. We advise you on prevention, conduct a full range of diagnostic examinations including surgery.
  • Our specialization is veterinary oncology, which we focus on in depth as one of the few in Moravia and throughout the Czech Republic.
  • We also specialize in internal medicine for dogs and cats, soft tissue surgery, dentistry and small mammal medicine.
  • We know our limits - in difficult patients requiring some specialized examinations we cooperate with the best experts and laboratories in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • We also provide hospitalization for seriously ill animals.
  • We will investigate the patient in general, ask you for the details of the problem, discuss options for further diagnosis and therapy to meet the needs of both the patient and the owner.
  • Every patient recieves a goody as a reward free of charge both in the ambulance and comfortable waiting room with free WIFI access
  • We offer referral services to veterinary surgeons especially for oncology patients as well as other internal patients. We also perform soft-tissue abdominal and skin surgery.
  • You will always receive a medical report from us!

General services and pricelist

Complex services for dogs and cats

claw cut
treatment of anal glands
microchipping and pet passport issueing
senior program - preventative blood tests, abdominal ultrasound or chest x-ray
haematological and biochemical blood tests
microscopic examination
cytological examination
urine examination
digital X-ray
ultrasound of the abdomen

examination of cats on FeLV and FIV
examination for borreliosis, anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis
myocological examination, specialized oncological diagnostics (PARR PCR, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry), allergenodiagnostics and desensitization by autogenous vaccine, serological and PCR examinations, bacteriological examination, determination of hormones and progesterone in blood, genetic tests, histopathological examination of samples

oncology and skin surgery
abdominal surgery
acute surgery
inhalation anesthesia

Ultrasound scaling on tartar, including polishing of dental enamel
surgical teeth extraction
extraction of persistent deciduous teeth
intraoral x-rays
acute tooth fraction restoration
… and more. If you have questions about our services, do not hesitate to contact us!


Pricelist in CZK of some of the services. Prices are approximate. The prices include of 21% VAT.
You can pay cash or by card.

 EMERGENCY FEE - out of working hours - 1210,- 

Dear clients, if you cancel the appointment less than 24 hours before the appointment, we are have to charge you a cancellation fee in the amount of the initial consultation as compensation for the doctor's and nurse's time, which could not be used for another patient. Thank you for your understanding.

We would also like to point out that for procedures with an estimated time requirement of 2 hours or more, you may be charged a deposit in the amount of CZK 3,000 or 1/3 of the total estimated price of the procedure, after payment of which we will reserve the date for the procedure. If you cancel the procedure less than 48 hours before the appointment, the deposit is non-refundable and is a compensation for the doctor's and nurse's time, which could not be used for another patient. Thank you for your understanding!

Infectious Diseases Dog (DHPPIL4) 690, -
rabies for 3 years 550,-

Infectious Diseases Cat 590,- - 990, - according to the vaccine 

vaccination rabbit 580, -

cutting of claws 150 - 250, -
cleaning anal glands 220, -
coprological examination of faeces 390, -
cleaning of the ears 250,-

Travel documents
Europass - pet passport + issueing 550,-
microchip MINI 350,-
application of microchip 275,- 
castration of a tomcat 2400 - 3000, -
castration of a female cat 2800 - 3800, -
castration of a small dog - male 3500 - 4500, -
castration of middle dog - male 4000 - 5500, -
castration of a large dog - male 5000 - 6500, -
castration of small dog - female 5000 - 6000, -
castration of medium dog - female 5500 - 7000, -
castration of large dog – female 7000 - 8500, -

inhalation anesthesia 

500,-/30 min in addition to the price of the procedure

diagnostic examinations right away
clinical examination of the patient 400 - 600, -
patient check-up 330 - 500,-
blood draining 240, -
placing IV catether 270,-
haematological examination of blood 280, -
biochemical examination of blood 6 parameters - 550, -
biochemical examination of blood 12 parameters - 800, -
biochemical examination of blood - Na,K,Cl 280,-
ultrasound examination of the abdomen 550,- - 1100,-
X-ray examination by size and number of images 1000 - 2200, -
cytological examination 500 - 850,-
otoscopy 250,-

Urine examination (including interpretation)
paper and refractometer 250,-
paper, refractometer and microscopy of native sediment 390,-
complete = with paper, refractometer and cytology of stained sediment 490,-

expert consultation (oncology) introductory 30 min 990,-
expert consultation (oncology) initial 60 min 1,800,- (most cases)
expert consultation (oncology) initial 90 min 2500,-
specialist consultation (oncology) repeated 30 min 690,-
specialist consultation (oncology) repeated 60 min 1350,-
processing of documents sent to the case before the first visit 350,-

dermatological consultation 60min - 1600,-
dermatological consultation 30 min - 990,-
Estimation of the approximate price for dental treatment (in general, it is difficult to estimate the price in advance - problems may be hidden in the oral cavity that will only be revealed by a thorough examination during the treatment of patient in anesthesia or an intraoral X-ray examination, such as the presence of a bent root in the gum, etc.).

The BASIC price of 3 850,- includes: anesthesia, monitoring of the patient, dental examination of the oral cavity, removal of normal amounts of tartar by ultrasound, polishing of tooth enamel, hospitalization and monitoring of recovery from anesthesia, infusion therapy, used drugs, material, etc.
To the basic price PLUS:
- preanesthetic blood test 1100-1320,- (or individually according to the scope of the required tests)
- inhalation anesthesia - 500,-/30 min procedure
- if dental x-rays are necessary, 1,000 - 2,000,-
- if tooth extraction is necessary, 100,- (uncomplicated extraction of one single-rooted tooth) to 12,000,- (surgical multi-extraction of teeth with extensive gum plastic surgery)

For oncology patients

The quality of life of our animal patient is always on the first place!

Information for oncology patients - how we do it:

1) new patients  – suspicion of cancer
               If you have found a bulge in your pet or for some reason he is not in good shape and you suspect a more serious problem - please order on our phone number. It is usually enough to describe the problem and the nurse will order you according to the timetable to a particular physician. We will do our best to find out the cause as soon as possible.
2) new patients  consultations and treatment proposals (already diagnosed from another veterinary clinic)
               Before you order the appointment by phone, email us on info@animed.czall the materials that led to the diagnosis of your pet (histopathological report, results of previous examinations and description of the problem). This is to prevent situations where the information is incomplete and you have to come back again in a different time. Patients at the initial consultation are almost always ordered for MVDr Pfeifr.

3) patients in regular treatment (chemotherapy)
               Because of the time-consuming management of oncology patients, it is always necessary to make an appointment for chemotherapy. Regular check-ups are usually ordered for MVDr. Piechová, complicated patients and initial consultation for MVDr. Pfeifr.
The most frequently asked questions will be answered by articles in the veterinary oncology section.


MVDr. Jakub Pfeifr


MVDr. Jitka Pfeifrová


MVDr. Hana Vitulová


MVDr. Jana Janoušková

ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPEAKING VET stomatology, dermatology, general medicine

MVDr. Petra Dufková


MVDr. Eva Pavelková CertAVP(VC) MRCVS

cardiology - RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology

Diana Neradilová


Katarína Juhásová


Bc. Šárka Mlejnková


MVDr. Yuliya Senenková

surgery and hospitalisation assistent


David S.

I certainly recommend everyone. Modern surgery, a professional and, above all, personal approach,…

Veronika K.

We are very pleased to award all five stars - we greatly praise the professional, pleasant and…

Sima K.

We had a really sick cat of Certík and we were looking for where to go with him, where to help…

Veronika K.

Thank you very much for the excellent, kind and professional approach. This is the clinic I'm going…

Pairex U.

We would like to thank all the ladies from ANIMED Veterinary Clinic, who took great care of…

Martina B.

Professional approach. I had a very serious problem with a dog. They immediately accepted me and…

Leňa K.

Although we're probably not nearly at the end of the treatment, we've had 4 visits. Our 9 year-old…

Tereza F.

Last summer, we first suspected a bulge in our twelve-year-old yorkshir Sarinka, visiting a clinic…

Hana Š.

Our cat has the best vets that he can have. I have also visited other vets who did their job well.…

Pavla S.

Hello, I would like to write to you this way that you are not only a good doctor, but you are doing…

Petr E.

I went to my colleague and friend as a cancer specialist when my 16-year-old cat girl with…

Zdeněk K.

The doctor have twice helped us to save our dog, which was too bad. They are the people in their…

Lucie K.

The ANIMED clinic can be strongly recommended by mine experience. Our yorkshire is after a very…

Kamil B

Here is written so much positive about this clinic that me and our bassets have to join. Perfect…

Kamila K.

Veterinary clinic Animed is absolutely unmatched! Not only your pleasant environment, which is…

Janina K.

We went to the clinic with our bitch, which was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. Unfortunately, in…

Sandra L.

I would like to thank very much for our care and for our sick dog, Fida! I appreciate everything…

Radka H.

My dog was diagnosed with scrotum mastocytoma during castration, I was offered treatment, which I…

Pro veterináře

Poskytujeme referenční servis

  • veterinární onkologie (kompletní diagnostika, konzultace, chemoterapie, zprostředkování radioterapie, atd.)
  • interní pacienti - včetně složitých případů
  • měkkotkáňová a onkologická chirurgie - včetně akutních případů
  • stomatologická chirurgie - chirurgické extrakce zubů (neprovádíme endodoncii a ortodoncii)

Základem dobré spolupráce je komunikace.

Pro spokojenost všech stran (majitel, vy i my) prosíme, abyste nás vždy předem informovali - telefonicky na čísle 734 421 272 nebo emailem na o odeslaném pacientovi.

Prosíme o uvedení následujících informací:
anamnéza + dosavadní vyšetření a jejich výsledky + dosavadní terapie

Rozsah požadovaného ošetření

  • konzultace a návrh terapie
  • provedení vyšetření - ultrazvuk, RTG (digitální zpracování), cytologie, vyšetření krve + interpretace 
  • provedení zákroku - chirurgie
  • nebo převzetí pacienta v rámci daného problému do péče
O výsledcích Vás budeme informovat emailem, pokud se jedná o složitější problém / na přání telefonicky.
V případě dlouhodobě léčených onkologických pacientů podáváme průběžné zdravotní zprávy o vývoji zdravotního stavu pacienta. 
U majitelů s větší dojezdovou vzdáleností do Brna spolupracujeme s referujícím veterinárním lékařem v rámci některých průběžných vyšetření nutných pro léčbu pacienta tak, abychom snížili časovou náročnost majitelů při dojíždění do Brna.

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