Dr. Hana specializes in dog and cat oncology.
She devotes herself intensively to canine and feline oncology and thus provides excellent and kind care to our oncology patients. She has a canisterapeutic dog Bohouš at home, who provides his lovely services to children in oncological department.
Education 2019 graduated from the FVL Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University in Brno Courses and internships 05/2020 Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Czech Republic Infectious diseases of cats 5/2019 IVSA Brno in cooperation with ČAVLMZ and Royal Canin Medicine of brachycephalic breeds 7/2018 - 8/2018 Cornell University Veterinary Specialists, USA Externship 3/2018 Pennsylvania State University, USA Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) Symposium 12/2017 University of Pretoria, RSA International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Symposium 9/2017 Česká Asociace Veterinárních Lékařů Malých Zvířat (ČAVLMZ) XXV. Výroční konference 3/2017 Texas A&M University, USA SAVMA Symposium 1/2017 North Carolina State University, USA IVSA Symposium 11/2016 International Veterinary Students' Association (IVSA) Brno Emergency Medicine 8/2016 International Federation of Medical Students' Associations Denmark Nordic World Health Organization Simulation 6/2016 International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA - ICRC) Animal Models for Human Diseases 11/2015 Estonian University of Life Sciences, EST Practice Managment Seminar 3/2015 International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA - ICRC) ICRC Seminary of Clinical Research: from theory to practice 3/2014 International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA - ICRC) ICRC Seminary of Clinical Research